Business & Management Resume Examples

With our Resume Builder you can create the perfect Business and Management Resume in just minutes. View real resume examples for your field to guide and inspire you.

Tips for using a Business & Management Resume example

1. Emphasize your ability to collaborate

The ability to collaborate is essential in most jobs, and even more so in Business and Management. Often times the outcome and success of a project depends heavily upon how well people and departments work together. Being able to effectively communicate and get along with others is such a coveted skill, and hiring managers in this industry are hoping to find a candidate who can do exactly that. Were you in charge of a project that sailed smoothly because of excellent leadership and strong teamwork? Talk about it!

2. Create a strong Profile in your resume

A Profile is a brief summary of who you are professionally. This section should tell a hiring manager about your most impressive accomplishments in your field. Use this section to tell the hiring manager about your relevant business and management skills. What qualities and skills do you have that make you a strong candidate in business and/or management? This section is all about convincing the hiring manager that you are an excellent candidate with a strong background and valuable industry experience. Remember to use confident language and strong action words.

3. Be specific!

It can be easy to be too vague when it comes to resume writing. In Business and Management, the more specific you are when it comes to your relevant work experience, the better. The more examples you can provide proving your qualifications, the better. Also remember to list both soft and hard skills. Soft skills such as adaptability and problem-solving are key. List impressive hard skills like computer programming as well. Avoid vagueness, which will only leave you in a category of resumes that fail to impress. Specificity is the way to go!

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Best Skills To Include in a Business & Management Resume

  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Time Management