Legal Documents

All documents were updated
on May 21, 2016

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small simple file that is sent with the pages of this website. Your browser saves cookies on your device’s hard drive. Some of these cookies are necessary for the site to function; others help us improve the website and make it more user friendly. The information saved with the aid of cookies can be sent back to our servers when you visit the site again.

Cookies have many different functions. For example, they help us remember your details (such as authentication details), other essential information and preferences. Cookies can also help us analyse our website and enable us to recommend specific content to you that we think is most relevant.

Certain cookies contain personal data. You can find more information about the purposes for which we process your personal data in our privacy policy at

2. What kinds of cookies and other tracking technologies do we use?

Our cookies and similar tracking technologies generally carry out the following functions:

Essential / functional cookies

These cookies are essential for our website’s core activity and are automatically activated when you use the website. We also save your permission settings in a cookie to remember these for future visits.

We use the following specific essential/functional cookies:

RC Cookie

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Google
  • Purpose: to differentiate between humans and robots
  • Cookies: rc::a, rc::b and rc::c
  • What personal data: your session ID and whether you are a human or a robot
  • Period of retention: the duration of your visit (the session)
  • Type of cookie: functional

Session ID

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: the identification of a user across different pages
  • Cookies: PHPSESSID
  • What personal data: your session ID
  • Period of retention: the duration of your visit (the session)
  • Type of cookie: functional
Cookie Domain Type Expiration Description
__cfduid .ResumeOne First-party 1 month Cookie assoiated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information.
vanity_id ResumeOne First-party 17 years This cookie allows to enable latest product features.
_session_id ResumeOne First-party 6 months This cookie creates an interim session ID used as an in-session user ID.
refferal_id ResumeOne First-party Session Used for affiliates.

Analytical cookies

These cookies help improve the performance of the website and provide a better user experience. This enables us to offer you a high quality experience by adapting our website and content and identifying and resolving problems quickly. For example, we use performance cookies to monitor which pages are most popular, which method of navigation between pages is the most effective, and to ascertain why some pages receive error notifications. You can choose to disable these cookies. Statistics and other reports cannot be traced back to individual people.

We use the following specific analytical cookies:

Google Analytics

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: to analyse the use of our website and services and to improve our website and services.
  • Cookies: _ga, _gat and _gid
  • What personal data: we only see global statistics and anonymised data. Google Analytics software processes your data to obtain these statistics. For example, Google Analytics processes, amongst others, which website you navigated from, which page or website you navigate to, your clicking habits and use of our website, and details about the device you are using to visit our website (such as operating system, screen resolution, general location (city), sex, language, length of session, browser information). You data is not shared with Google.
  • Period of retention: _ga is retained for 2 years, _gat and _gid for 1 day
  • Type of cookie: analytical


  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: to improve the support system by seeing what questions you have already viewed.
  • Cookies: persist:hs-beacon-a4bf783e-2ea3-4050-a7e0-e3a190ac45e4 and persist:hs-beacon-message-a4bf783e-2ea3-4050-a7e0-e3a190ac45e4
  • What personal data:
  • Period of retention:
  • Type of cookie: analytical

New Relic

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: to monitor the performance of the app.
  • Cookies: events/1/5d00f080c1
  • What personal data:
  • Period of retention:
  • Type of cookie: analytical


  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: real-time updating of information in the browser.
  • Cookies: pusherTransportTLS
  • What personal data:
  • Period of retention:
  • Type of cookie: analytical


  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Purpose: to carry out A/B tests.
  • Cookies: vanity_id
  • What personal data:
  • Period of retention:
  • Type of cookie: analytical
Cookie Domain Type Expiration Description
_ga .resumeone First-party 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.
_gid .resumeone First-party 1 day This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics.
_gat_UA-52581310-5 .resumeone First-party 1 minute This cookie is used by Google Analytics to filter requests from bots.
PLAY_SESSION help.resumeone First-party 1 year This cookie creates an interim session ID used as an in-session user ID for a help center.
headway_session updates.resumeone First-party Session This cookie creates an interim session ID used as an in-session user ID for a changelog page.

Marketing and tracking cookies

We collaborate with third parties to display advertisements on our website or to manage advertisements on other sites. Those third parties can use technologies such as cookies or similar technologies to collect information about your activities on this website and other sites in order to offer you advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. You can refuse these cookies by changing your cookie settings.

We use the following specific marketing and tracking cookies:


  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Facebook.
  • Purpose: Facebook uses these cookies to measure conversion of posts and advertisements on our website and to show you targeted advertisements.
  • Cookies: _fbp, fr, tr.
  • What personal data: we process your online/cookie identification number, IP address and the date you visited our website. The cookie is placed via Google Tag Manager.
  • Period of duration: _fbp and fr are retained for 3 months and tr for the duration of your visit (the session).
  • Type of cookie: tracking and tr are tracking pixels.

Google AdSense

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Google
  • Purpose: to show relevant advertisements, to convert visitors to customers, and to measure the efficiency of advertisements on websites.
  • Cookies: _gcl_au
  • What personal data: we only see your unique advertisement ID that Google uses to show you relevant advertisements
  • Period of retention: 3 months
  • Type of cookie: tracking

Google AdWords

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Google
  • Purpose: to show relevant advertisements and measure the efficiency of our advertisements.
  • Cookies: NID, _session_id, ads/ga-audiences and pagead/1p-user-list/#
  • What personal data: we only see your unique advertisement ID that Google uses to show you relevant advertisements
  • Period of retention: 6 months and ads/ga-audiences is retained for the duration of your visit (the session).
  • Type of cookie: tracking, ads/ga-audiences and pagead/1p-user-list/# are tracking pixels.

Google DoubleClick

  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Google
  • Purpose: to measure the efficiency of our advertisements. The ‘test_cookie’ cookie is used to see whether your browser supports cookies.
  • Cookies: IDE, test_cookie
  • What personal data: we only see your unique advertisement ID that Google uses to show you relevant advertisements.
  • Period of retention: IDE is retained for 1 year and test_cookie for 1 day
  • Type of cookie: tracking


  • Who: ResumesMadeHere
  • Supplier of the cookie: Microsoft.
  • Purpose: to track the user across various Microsoft services.
  • Cookies: MUID.
  • What personal data: we only see your unique advertisement ID that Microsoft uses to track you.
  • Period of retention: 1 year.
  • Type of cookie: tracking.
Cookie Domain Type Expiration Description
_gcl_au .resumeone First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_lfa .resumeone First-party 2 years This cookie is used to store and track audience reach by Leadfeeder.
IDE Third-party 1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
MUID Third-party 1 year This cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
_uetsid .resumeone First-party 1 day This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.
_uetvid .resumeone First-party 2 weeks This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.
NID Third-party 6 months This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
_fbp .resumeone First-party 3 months Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
fr Third-party 3 months Contains browser and user unique ID combinaton, used for targeted advertising.

Third parties

Our websites may contain buttons, widgets, tools or content that link to services from other companies (for example, Facebook ‘like’ or ‘share’ buttons). We may collect information about your use of these functions. In addition, when you see or use these buttons, tools or content, or if you view a web page that contains these, certain information from your browser can be sent to the other company automatically. Read that company’s privacy policy for more information.

How can I control cookies?

If you want to accept or decline certain categories of cookies, you can do that via the help tool for permission settings on our website. This tool is automatically loaded when you visit the site for the first time.

We give you the option of accepting or declining cookies, with the exception of functional cookies. In addition, you can also change your web browser settings to decline cookies. Our website may no longer function properly in that case.

We set the essential/required cookies so that we can remember your choices when you visit the website again from the same browser.

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ResumesMadeHere // Imkey
Address: 8804 Willow Springs Dr. Louisville Ky 40242

Cookie Policy was last updated on Jan 21, 2022